Saturday, February 2, 2013

And So It Begins!

I have a tendency to procrastinate. Lately it has happened on Monday evenings, when I have about 4 hours of homework. I'll go to the grocery store, pick up some baking supplies, and by 8 p.m. there's a batch of cupcakes. I started posting pictures of my procrastination creations on Facebook, and had some people tell me I should make a blog about my semi-homemade baking.
So here we go.....

The goal:
Post recipes and pictures to semi-homemade, yet still delicious cupcakes, give my tips, and have some fun doing so. You don't have to make something completely from scratch to make it be delicious!

So come along for the ride, if you wish! I'm going to try and post a new cupcake every Monday.

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