Sunday, June 16, 2013

Contest Time!!!


So I need some inspiration, and I know that it will be hard to get without some sort of excitement, or bribery. So I'm adding a little of both.

I found some toasted coconut marshmallows (that are phenomenal) and I want to use them in a cupcake sometime in the near future.
What I want to know is what kind of cupcake/ frosting, etc would go with it, and how I would use the marshmallows.

So here's what you do.

1. Come up with a rocking idea for a cupcake, or even just some flavor inspirations.
2. Email your fabulous ideas to me at:
3. After I've read through all the ideas, I will pick a winner!

What you could win:

I'm going to make a cupcake baking kit, complete with:

  •  Fun & easy recipes (from my blog and more)
  • Cute Cupcake Liners
  • Disposable Pastry Bags
  • A 7 piece Cupcake Decorating Kit.
  • Possibly more! :)
The contest will run until July 16, 2013.
If you are the winner, I will email you, send you your prize, and bake your (very prestigious) award winning recipe! It will also be featured on my blog, and I will give complete credit to you! :)
Also, you can enter more than once, but remember, quality over quantity! Just because you submit 15 ideas, doesn't mean you're going to win. :)

Any questions or concerns, just email me at the address above!

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