Monday, March 11, 2013

Pineapple Cupcakes with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting

First off, I apologize for not posting last week. I was in no condition to be making cupcakes... or even soup..

Anyway, this week is Spring Break for my friends and I. While my friends have taken off to warm places like California & Arizona for a week, I have 'chosen' to remain in the brisk 20° weather of Northern Minnesota. I'll admit, I'm a little jealous of all the people who get to sip cocktails while laying out in the sun. Not only do I need a drink after midterms, my skin is borderline transparent. :)

So, this brings us to this week's cupcake. I figured if my friends can be in the tropics, I can bake the tropics and watch some summer-esque romantic comedy. Hence pineapple cupcakes frosted with cream cheese, coconut deliciousness.
Here's the finished product!

Pineapple Cupcakes with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting

Here's what you need.

Prep time: ~20 minutes
Bake time: 15 minutes / pan
Total time: ~ 1 hour
Oven temp: 350°


  • 1 box Betty Crocker White Cake Mix
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 C. Oil
  • 1 C. Water
  • 2- 8oz cans of Dole Crushed Pineapple in 100% pineapple juice. (None of that heavy syrup business)
  • 4 T. flour
  • Cupcake liners
  • ~2 T. Pineapple Juice (from the crushed pineapple)
  • Strainer/Colander (what's the difference anyway?)
  • 1 Can Betty Crocker Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 1/3 C. Shredded Coconut
  • 1 T. Pineapple Juice (from the crushed pineapple)
  • Pastry Bag (if desired)
Alright. Combine the oil, water & eggs, then add the cake mix and stir unti moistened. In a seperate bowl, strain the 2 cans of crushed pineapple. Keep the juice, and put the drained pineapple in another bowl. Add the flour to the drained pineapple, to make up for the liquids we are adding to the cake. Combine this until it makes a thick paste-like mixture. Add the mixture to the batter and blend well. Then add the pineapple juice, and blend well.
Scoop the batter into cupcake liners, filling 2/3 full. 
Bake for 15 - 18 minutes, or until a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean. (Mine took exactly 15 minutes) Remove from the oven and let cool completely before frosting.

For the frosting, scoop the frosting into a bowl. Add the pineapple juice, and blend well. Then add the coconut and blend well. Use pastry bag or knife to frost the cupcakes! 

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